Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lacee's "See You Later" cupcakes

Welcome everyone to what is to be quite a journey. The plan is to bake a lovely item, weather cupcake, pie, bread, or pastry, and blog to you lovely people about it. 
We start this journey by taking the taste buds to Lacee's "See You Later" cupcakes.
I work with this awesome person, and tomorrow is her last day. Though this may not be good bye, I thought it would be fitting to celebrate the time I got with her with some delicious RED VELVET CUPCAKES. 
I followed a recipe that I haven't used, and I didn't have all the "right" ingredients (I like to substitute items for experimentation). The cupcakes came out over flowing and a little tangy, but what can one do. Sometimes it just doesn't turn out like you hope it would. But they are still quite delightful and put a smile on your face.  
(Picture to come)